Peter Martin's Halloween Show

Post links to songs you recorded using MultitrackStudio.
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:32 pm

Peter Martin's Halloween Show

Post by pugetsound »

I first posted this here, four years ago this month. The songs aren't my own but the playlist and narration by yours truly were edited and assembled completely with MultitrackStudio. A lot of the tunes had to be edited down so that the entire show would be nearly a perfect hour. This is because it had to fit into a terrestrial radio station's format, and it did. It aired several times on a couple radio stations back then. It's anywhere from creepy to sad, (which can be kind of creepy to me). Anyway, here's the latest link:!AtWBMt0FUXpkeLoHKGunzP29zmk

Don't listen alone!