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Idea for a clip type launcher

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:17 pm
by Littlewoodg
Mr Bremmers, congratulations on your latest best-on-platform update!

I wrote a question post earlier (but accidentally didn’t post it it turns out...)

I wondered what your ideas are on a clip launch style interface for inside MTS...

There are midi tool on iOS that launch midi clips within DAWs, by way of midi fx (one sits in one slot, and accesses midi on other channels within the application...). The app I’m thinking of has a piano roll midi sequencer inside it for each clip (it’s called LK and it was originally a controller for Ableton Live). LK can only launch midi.

I thought such a useful tool could become a native feature of MTS. The architecture might partly be in place- the “clips” feature, and the Matrix sampler might be part of a tool like this.

I understand that this type of workflow might not be where MTS is coming from, but using some of these tools in MTS is not yet possible (LK requires access to each of the other midi tracks in the project and that internal midi routing isn’t a feature of MTS, if I understand correctly.).

Offering that type of routing would be much appreciated, and like your newest update to midi features, that routing would be an iOS DAW first.

But: offering a tool like I suggest in-app would be a huge leap past other DAWs on the platform.

The most ideal and ambitious and version of such a launcher would launch both midi and audio clips, something that neither LK nor any other launcher offers...