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music recorded using multitrack studio

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 12:59 pm
by chesnut43
go to and check it out. there is a link to where my music is located, but sometimes the link doesn't work ,so you must do a search on soundclick for MOUNTAIN GYPSY PROJECT

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:10 pm
by Saz
Very nice music Jeff! 8)

Your band is something else - how do you keep up with the those other guys? :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:50 am
by axman
Jeff, I sent your site to one of my jazz guitar buddies in Florida and he was eying that 50s vintage jazz guitar, perhaps 350 model hollow body cut-away you have in the image (I know absolutely nothing about the guitar models) ; we were also taken by the photo of Django?

Do you play jazz as well?


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:43 am
by djembejammin
hi Everyone, I have had this link in my favorits for almost a year. I am getting ready to try it. I am an old timer from the 70's. I still have a tascam cassette 4 track. I finally got a computer last year with 160 gigs and they told me that would be good for recording. Is this software easy to use for someone who really doesn't know about midi and mp3 and all this computer talk?? hoping someone might be able to help with getting started. I know i have a sound card, a cdwriter and dvd rom. I have a new korg triton le that I still need to figure out as well. Is there anything else I need to get to be able to record??where do i plug the guitar cords in?? Boy do I feel like a fish out of water. help!!! thanks, Nina

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:00 pm
by Saz
Hi Nina!

Just so you know, this question should be in the "MultitrackStudio Discussions" forum - you will receive more answers there - this forum is for music recorded with MTS. :wink:

Now the short answer to your question is - I don't think you will find an easier "multitrack" software to use. In spite of MTS ease-of-use, it has the features and quality of software costing "much" more.

For someone just getting started, you will need to do some reading. Check here for some good info on the basics... Also read the MTS help manual - it will answer most of your questions.

Once you get everything hooked up, you can run the "Wizard" in MTS and it will walk you through the steps of making your first recording.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:55 am
by mcairenius
Those are some nice songs, keep it up! Your guitaring and singing is really good. :o