Another MIDI question.

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Another MIDI question.

Post by KenHardy »

I've just started using MIDI RECORDINGS in my compositions again, and want to start singularly using MTS for iPad, rather than my complex old array of external (and internal) hardware sequences. Related, I have a pretty simple question: How do I get MTS for iPad to send recorded MIDI data to my external MIDI keyboard when doing punch-in MIDI recording? I have no problem recording the MIDI OUT of my Kurzweil keyboard to MTS, and no problem playing back that recorded MIDI track from MTS to my Keyboard. However, if I try to use my external keyboard to record to a MIDI TRACK that I am working on using the punch-in function, then I lose that track's MIDI output to my ext. Keyboard (and thus generate no audio from my keyboard) until I reach the punch-in point, even though I have full "punch in/out monitoring" activated. I've never have this problem when punching-in/out audio to MTS. So I can't play along with my previously recorded data and monitor both the track's midi output and my own keyboard playing, from my keyboard until after I reach the punch-in point (and then I lose it again immediately at the punch-out point). I have noticed that if I use MTS's internal General Midi sound library to generate audio instead of my external keyboard, then I am easily able to play/record my keyboard into MTS, and monitor MTS's General Midi audio output from my iPad prior to, during, and after the MIDI track punch in points (which is exactly what I need). Thus, at present I am forced to use MTS's internal general midi sounds, instead of my more sophisticated external sound generators for composition, recording, and punch-in/out purposes. Again, I am probably just doing something wrong in setting up MTS to input/output/record/playback MIDI data from external instruments, so I would greatly appreciate a heads up.

Thanks, Dr. K.
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Re: Another MIDI question.

Post by Support »

The existing track isn't audible during punch-in recording if you're using an external instrument, unfortunately.

If a software instrument (like the MultitrackStudio Instruments) is used a second instance of this instrument is used for playing back the existing notes. This isn't possible for external instruments.

Playing back the existing notes over the MIDI channel you're using for recording would cause notes to be cut of if your playing interferes with the existing ones. MultitrackStudio doesn't playback the existing notes at all to avoid this.

I'll add this to the list of things to think over.

Giel Bremmers
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